A Crocheted Bon From the Mailbag…

bon and angus crochet art

Every now and again, some gold comes through the mailbox at ye olde Bon Scott Blog. Here’s a case in point – Lee an artist who is 35% through the process of crocheting an image of Bon and Angus in full flight. Amazing work, Lee!

Here’s Lee’s fabulous dramatisation of the work in progress (right) as compared with how it will be when it’s finished (left):

bon and angus 35 percent

In other words, a slow reveal from bottom to top. Lee, we look forward to further updates as the work moves along!

(I reproduce Lee’s email to me below)

Hi Lucas!

Fellow Acca Dacca fan from Canberra here!
I stumbled across your blog after a bit of surfing and think it’s wonderful that fans such as yourself are commited to preserving all that is Bon and keeping us up to date on any happenings!

I just thought i’d drop you a note to say “well done!” on the site and to let you know that i’m doing my part in keeping Bon’s spirit and memory alive and well!
I’m a fiber artist and work with wool to create crocheted portraits and when I spotted the pic of Bon & Angus at the Marquee, London, 1976 in the book ‘AC/DC Maximum Rock & Roll’ by Murray Englehart – straight away I thought it would make a great piece!

I’m only 35% of the way in but it’s shaping up quite nicely!

It measures just over a metre wide, and when it’s finished I dare say it will be around 2 metres high!

Hope this finds you well and once again, cracking site!!
Lee ^__^

UPDATE! 24 November 2009:

The crochet Bon/Angus has now reached 50% completion!

bon angus 50 percent

[UPDATE! It’s finished! see here…]

“Not knowing who else to speak to about this”…

the bon scotts oddernity album art

Some amusing messages have been trickling into the mailroom of the Bon Scott Blog lately. Here’s one – from Damien in Melbourne, who plays with a band called “The Bon Scotts”. I love the honesty of Damien’s introduction. Although named after the great frontman, Damien writes that the band sounds “almost nothing like AC/DC.” Brave move, Damien! I wonder what happens when die-hard rock fans come along to your gigs expecting (what? an accadacca Bon Scott era tribute band?) and instead are faced with your finely modulated sensitive pop melodies!

One can only imagine.

Anyway, dear readers, decide for yourselves! Let a thousand flowers bloom, I say!

Here’s Damien’s email:

Hi Lucas

I am a Melbourne musician and about four years ago we put together a group called The Bon Scotts. We sound almost nothing like AC/DC.

However, when we called ourselves The Bon Scotts, it was around the time of the The band craze, The Von Bondies, The Vines, The Hives and The Strokes… Anyway, you get my point. My band and I felt that these bands were stealing something from rock, forgetting about the fun, cheeky side of rock n’roll. Something I think Bon Scott personified, from his humour in his lyrics and the way he would smile at the camera during film clips and live footage.

In our opinion, Bon Scott was one of, if not the single most iconic Australian rock star, I grew up in a county town where almost everyone listened to AC/DC, my first high school band used to cover a few songs. The were independent of major labels, cared little for the trends of the time and wrote damn catchy songs, with clever hooks and fantastic rhythms.

Not knowing who else to speak to about this, I thought, you being the Bon Scott blogger might want to know that we mean absolutely no offence, or dishonour the great man.

We are going to put a blog up about the idea behind the name. I can send you a link when it is up…



A Portrait from the Mailbag

Lee Wilde portrait of Bon

“Lee Wilde” sent the below email through from Perth, where he works on his portraiture. Lee writes: “My work is mainly figurative…female portraits and nudes”.

The above painting, it seems, now hangs proudly in the office of Doug, the president of the WA Bon Scott Fanclub.

Strange that we didn’t meet last year in Perth/Fremantle Lee! – Perhaps next year at the AC/DC concert in Perth?

Here’s Lee’s original message:

Hi Lucas

I was just surfing around some art sites…came across your blog and
thought I’d show you a portrait I painted of Bon Scott last year. It
was bought by the President of the Bon Scott fan club here in Perth.

Feel free to post it on your blog if you like. If you’d prefer one
without the copyright watermark, let me know.


Lee Wilde